Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Bizarre Bazaar

So last Saturday was the Babb Bazaar in Babb, Montana. Lee Lee had heard that it's like the Christmas Bazaar they have every year but didn't know what that meant. Lee Lee said, "it's either going to be really good or really bad". Well, it was really bad but totally worth a shout out on my blog because really? It was hard to believe!

It was held in the gym at the local school. This is what we saw when we walked thru the front doors. We thought that perhaps it hadn't started yet or that maybe all the good stuff was sold!

We walked in to the gym, turned to the right and this is what we saw.

Then we turned to the left and this is what we saw. Click on the picture and take a look at the ladies expression. Oh, my!

No kidding. That was the whole Bazaar! One table had little ceramic frogs that the kids painted. They held little plants. Pass. The next table had accessories for the "bling" diva. Pass. The next table had baked goods. They looked very yummy but when I asked the little native girl what kind of pie it was she said, "I don't know". Pass. The fourth table was also baked goods but they had little tags on them with what the item was and the price so we each got a brownie and Dixie bought a small banana loaf.

Down the road we stopped in at Thronson's to see what we could find. It's a very old little convenience store that has just about everything! In the back of the store we saw this. I just may have to send this picture to the Ellen DeGenerous show! Serve Yourself.....Don't Open lol!

After all the shopping at the bazaar we were pretty hungry so we drove on down a couple of miles to the Duck Lake road and ate here. The Leaning Tree Cafe'

This is the entrance. The shovel is especially inviting wouldn't you say?

This is what's on the other side of that door. Whew!

This is the front side of he menu. The best part was that it said they served breakfast all day long so the 3 of us ordered breakfast!

The food was pretty good and Lee lee's omelet was huge! This picture doesn't do it justice. Believe me it was really big!

This was the only other customer in the cafe'. I just bet that he has come to this place all his life!

Dixie and Lee Lee.

This was taken on our way back from our breakfast lunch heading back towards Babb. Yes, Babb is in the middle of nowhere!


Marilee said...

Super love this post Lou Lou! It was a fun day for sure. And yes, Babb is in the middle of nowhere and very small with maybe less than 100 people, but they do have a post office which makes my life a whole lot easier.

Dixie Dee said...

Fun post Marilou! Always a fun day with the twins, and Babb just spices it up some. One never knows what treasure can be found in the middle of no where!!

Christie said...

Love this post, LouLou! You totally need to send the "serve yourself--don't open" picture to the Ellen show. Ya'll have the most interesting adventures.

MLH said...

I am speechless... but at least you figured out there can be 'fun' with very little foundation when you are in great company! Bazaar or Bizarre!