Saturday, March 30, 2013

My Kids!

Look at them all!! It was a REAL TREAT to have all of the kids home together had been far too long and that is for sure! Sean and Caleb drove from Victoria, Vancouver Island/Richmond B.C. in a very bad storm and just minutes from home while Caleb was asleep Sean did a 360 on the highway and in the midst of it Caleb woke up, put the car in neutral and they stopped a foot from the ditch!! They arrived home at 1:45am and I was one happy momma!! Although I have to admit I got my boys mixed when they walked in the door. They are both sporting beards and mustaches and they both had hats on.

We only had 2 days to enjoy everyone together so we made the best of it. After such a long trip Sean was very kind to let me play my ukelele and sing for him after getting only a few hours of sleep. He just sat there on the couch song after song. Thanks Sean for humouring me! That afternoon we had family pictures taken outside with the clear blue sky as our backdrop. Never mind the frigid air. Brrrrr. This is the first time we have had a professional photographer take our family picture. After the photo session we went to Moxie's for dinner and then home to get ready for Dallin and Kelly's open house. On Saturday we went out to our friend Dixie's land to shoot gophers. Its ALWAYS a fun time! Sadly Caleb wasn't able to join us because he wasn't feeling well.

Dinner at Moxie's with the entire family. Including of course our newest family member!

                                                                     New brother in laws!        

Had to take my Red Dot Scope off my gun because I couldn't see the red dot with the brightness of the snow! I'm a better shot with my Red Dot Scope. :)

This is Dallin and Chris. Chris is throwing a clay pidgeon while Dallin shoots them to smithereens and Dallin did great job I might add!

I'm pretty sure that Sean had the best time of all that day. He wandered off by himself and made a collection of his kills. I love seeing my kids happy!!

This last picture is a pretty big deal. It's a little hard to read but very important non the less! I measured all the boys height and Seth won! He has always wanted to be the tallest in the family and his wish has come true. Pretty sure he would tell you that this was the highlight of having his brothers home!
See how well Dallin fits into his new family? His shoe size even meshes with the family. Ha!


Marilee said...

What fun pictures! It was a nice day on the farm for sure. It must be a guy thing because Brad did the exact same thing with his gopher kills last spring. Cannot wait to see your professional family pictures!

Christie said...

This is a great post! You look so cute with that pink gun! "Barbie" goes a huntin'! Don't mess with "Barbie" and her "little friend"! Hehehe! Love the pic of you and Leelee...."Thelma and Louise" goin' hunting! ;)