Friday, September 28, 2012

Summer September

Just a few random shots of our Summer and September. The weather was hot in the summer and perfect in September! Fall is starting to become a favorite time of year for me but it will NEVER replace summer. Ever!

After gathering old aloha shirts and muu muu's from second hand stores for many years I finally finished my quilt! I was particular in what I bought. It had to be the old school fabric from wayyy back in the day and the tag in the clothing had to say that it was made in Hawaii. (I added the tags to the back side of the quilt for funnzies!)

This is kind of a sad picture. The kids have never known another couch but it had seen it's day so we gave it away for free on kijiji. Bye pink couch.

My summer music this year! Super catchy songs and super fun to sing to!

Kelly came home for a quick visit and the timing was perfect because it was the weekend of the Cardston parade. How fun is that? Sure wish we could have had Sean and Caleb with us in this picture. :(

This is what you drive by everytime you cross the "Babb Border" (I forget the officialy name) and continue on to Babb, St. Mary's, East Glacier, Kalispell etc. It's just a neat thing to see everytime you drive by.

This is a campground outside of St. Mary's. Some people pitch a tent and others pitch a tee pee! Super cool!

Lee lee got a new camera and a sweet lens so she was shooting away and got what I think is a great shot of me and Chris (especially Chris). She loves blurry backgrounds and crisp subjects.  Her favorite style of photography.

This picture is great news! This "little black truck" as we call it is finally running after almost 7 years! Yep. We have hung on to it for that long waiting for the day that it would run again. You feel so "old school" when you are in it (at least I do anyway).

And that "little black truck" now carries this Laser sailboat for Chris. Chris has wanted to sail for a very long time and so he bought this down in Montana, fixed it up and he loves it! He sails and if the weather is spectacular then I go lay on the beach.

My previous post was all about the creek and I mentioned a bear's den. Well, this is a picture of it from the inside. Super cool don't ya think?

We had another major fire just west of us that once again started on the Blood reserve. Seth took this picture with his iphone at Chinook H.S.. We were blocks away from being evacuated. Again.

When I saw this view as we were driving along I said to Lee Lee, "you've got to take a picture of that because it looks just like the cover of a Louis L'Amour book". Am I right???

Last week Lee Lee and I along with my good friend Jeri went headstone searching over the border and in to Browning and East Glacier. Lee Lee belongs to a search site called Find A Grave where people ask others to go to certain cemetaries and take pictures of thier relatives headstones for genealogy purposes. It's always an experience let me tell ya! We went to 5 that day and had really good luck.

This cemetary was one of 2 in East Glacier that we went to and what a time we had finding those headstones in all these weeds! But we did.

Good-Bye Summer and September!


Dallin & Kelly said...

Kelly: YOU SOLD MY CHILDHOOD COUCH! Nooooooo! I was hoping to inherit it.

Just kidding.

Mom: Seth has the chair in his room though :).

Kelly: That's weird! What are you going to do with the basement now? Home gym?

Mom: Post this on my blog!

Dixie Dee said...

Fun post Marilou! Like all the little bits of info! It truly was a great summer wasn't it! Great photos too!
Lots of variety!

Christie said...

OK Loulou, there's so many things I like about this post, too. I had a feeling I should look up your blog. I thought it might have been too early for another post, but I was pleasantly surprized! Let's see....I love the photo of the Louis L'amour cover. You're does look like one of his books. Leelee is an amazing photographer. Your family is so cute together, and you and Chris look perfect for each other! The cemetary pic is cute...relaxing on the job, huh? That bear den is terrific. When I get up there to visit I hope we can go see one. I want to climb into one, too. What fun! Glad you had a great summer!

Marilee said...

It's the border crossing at Carway, right Dixie? Or is it Peigan? EIther one works.

I wish we could go on another Find A Grave adventure, but no can do if there are no requests!

Fun pictures fo sho.

Dixie Dee said...

Yup Carway on the Canadian side and Peigan on the US side! Same no man's land. Fun adventures for sure, I love adventure's too! :)

MLH said...

I am sooooo behind in blog reading... shame on me, but I have enjoyed a delicious hour catching up on your summer!

The quilt is way cool Lou Lou!