Sunday, June 5, 2011

2nd Annual Gopher Contest

Well, it's that time of year again and I had been waiting for this very day since the last gopher contest last Spring. The gopher contest is hosted by the Game and Wildlife Federation. Last year it was just Lee Lee and I but this year Dixie joined us. The rule is that if you have 3 on a team then only 2 of you can shoot at any one time and the 3rd person is the runner. Running to get the tails. At the end of the contest it's the amount of tails you collect that determines the winner!

This is where you register. It's $20.00 per team.

Here I am getting ready. The bucket contains the scissors (for cutting the tails), a hook (for grabbing those gophers that after being shot go back into thier holes), extra ammo and snacks.

And away I go!

The pouch is for holding extra ammo and my second clip. Not a hair clip. A clip that holds 10 rounds of bullets. See the gopher tail in that baggie? I know. Sweet!

Here are Dixie and Lee Lee. Lots of gophers around but once you get out in the field they seem to disappear!

We decide to try a different field.

Off to yet another field. We actually had some good luck along this road.

As we were going to another piece of land we saw a friend jogging along the gravel road who graciously took our picture. She thought we were hillarious in our matching t-shirts! We are a team and teams need to look like a team right?

We were a little disappointed in the amount of tails we got but it really doesn't matter because gosh, it's alot of fun! And....there is always next year!

This is the prize table back at the place where we registered. See the bags of tails? The winning bag had 147 I think. We "The Gopher Girls" had only gotten 22 tails but they upped our number to 29. That was nice. Last year we came in 8th out of 12 teams. But this year there were only 7 teams and........we came in dead last.

But as you can see. We are still happy.

As we were leaving a guy came up to us and offered us a consolation prize. A free lunch at Subway! Sure! Turns out he was the owner of Subway. Thank you Lane.

Until next year.....and many thanks to Dixie for supplying the land!!


Marilee said...

Super fun day! What's great is that we don't need a contest to shoot gophers we just need gophers and there are plenty of those around. Yea for the summer!!

Dixie Dee said...

We are the gopher girls!!!
Fun, fun fun!!
Perfect day and Super Fun let's hope summer stays around and we do that kind of thing again!!

No jumping Marilou???

Marilou said...

Yes, Dixie I had a bit of a "problem" with my jumping didn't I?

MLH said...

Yee Hah! You girls crack me up! Maybe the pink gun scared all the gophers away?

Jo-Ann said...

You look like winners to me - stylin' in your matching T-shirts. Go Gopher Girls! (just don't let Gainer the Gopher find out)

Barb said...

You guys definitely my favourites. So glad I got to "run" into you.