Thursday, February 10, 2011

Let's start again shall we?

Okay. I am going to start blogging again. The problem I have is how do I start this up again? Do I back track? Or do I start from this day forward? I will have to give that some thought and as soon as I can figure that out, you will see me here again.
I have changed the pictures of my kids on the sidebar and will add a picture of me and Chris when I find a cute one!

See you soon!


Marilee said...

YEA!!!!!! Can't wait to see what goes up next.

MLH said...

Now we will know what is happening in real time in your life - we are so glad you have decided to 'restart', I find this the best way to keep our family journal... it is amazing what you forget and then enjoy reliving as you go back... you won't regret your investment in time.