Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Something I thought I would NEVER EVER do!

Here I am. Doing something I swore I would NEVER do! But I have been encouraged by a few family members more than once. And if you Mary-Anne could start a blog when I heard you say almost exactly one year ago today that you would NEVER do it, then I guess I can join the world of blogging too. So as I said....here I am.

I really don't think I have a lot to offer here but I will try it and see how it goes. Right now I suppose the entry's will be about our move out west and all that it entails. Did I use that word right David? I ask you because it was you that made me realize after all these years that the word rendevouz (sp?) wasn't actually pronounced, " ren-dev-es"!! I know, I know. Whatever.


Marilee said...

Nice, I like it a lot. I can help you add pictures when you have some. Fun yah?
I think as you go along with this you will think of things to post and if this is only for family then you can post whatever you want. Your thoughts and feelings about the move, your dreams and aspirations for the future. Anything goes here. GAGG!!!!!

MLH said...

Way to go Lou Lou - single me out to the world about my RESISTANCE to the world of blogging in your launch remarks!!! Just as well I love you!

This really is a great way to keep up to date with one another...

Have lots of fun doing it - I actually do!!!

Marilou said...

You've been sucked in mom. Good for you.

no said...

yay! now, whenever you get after me for not blogging enough, i can shoot it right back at ya!

i feel so elite to have been invited to your blog, thanks!

Christie said...

You're a great blogger, Lou Lou! I've had so much fun catching up with you and your little family. The pics are so good--especially the heart moon! Keep 'em coming and thanks for your good example (I didn't do so well on the '30s house wife thingy.)