Thursday, November 8, 2012

November the 2nd = Seth's 18th Birthday!

It's hard to believe that our youngest child is 18. No really. It's crazy! One day back in 1987 when I was pregnant with Sean I remember seeing a lady who was close to having her 4th baby and thinking to myself, "No way". I just couldn't imagine myself having 4 kids! Well.......never say never!!

I just love this picture of Caleb and Seth back in 1996. We were living in Camarillo, California at the time and I was making our famous chocolate cake. Look at Seth's little hands. By the way, I still use those exact bowls, measuring cups and still use that recipe book for our famous chocolate cake. Oh, and I still have that robe. But, I don't have that mixer anymore.

Here is Seth on his 2nd birthday. No chocolate cake. Just a dumb old cupcake.

Seth had asked if he could have a birthday breakfast this year and I said, "sure"! So he requested BL's. BLT's with out the tomatoes.
And the morning of his birthday he left this note on the counter for me to see when I woke up. Just one more thing for his birthday breakfast. Sure!

Just like his 2nd birthday Seth still looks down at his cake. Or is it becuse I'm not very good at timing my picture taking? No matter.

Happy Birthday to our youngest boy whom I told so many times never to grow up! But he did.


Marilee said...

What a cute post. Oh yes, Seth's little hands. So cute. I tell Neal to stop growing too and he just keeps on disobeying.

And thanks for sharing a piece of that cake with Neal and I the other day. YUMMY!!!!

You have an 18 year old boy? I don't believe it. You only look 30 :)

Dixie Dee said...

Fun post Lou Lou! Happy Birthday to Seth! Adult Children, How does that happen?

Christie said...

I'm so glad I checked to see if you had a new post. I love seeing your families grow up, but I know ya'll would like them to stay young awhile longer. That little Caleb and Seth were two little cutie-pa-too-ties!! I just want to pick them up and snuggle-buggle them. Of course, couldn't do that now....all grown up and handsome young men. And never age! :)

MLH said...

What a great mom you have been Lou Lou!!!

Happy Birthday Seth - it's a big world out there... stay close to the ones who know and love you!