Monday, July 28, 2008

Caleb cooked dinner tonight!!!

So I bought some meat the other day but wasn't quite sure what I was going to make with it. Caleb works at a place called "WOK BOX" and he said that he would make a stir fry for dinner! He did a great job and we ate ALMOST every bit of it. He chopped all the vegetables and learned that the skin on an onion is not edible. He even added chopped asparagus and I would totally do that with my next stir fry. That was a very nice touch AND a very yummy taste. Kelly wants to cook dinner tomorrow night. Yea!!


Marilee said...

Caleb made dinner? I don't think my boys ever made dinner when living at home back in the day. And then Kelly the next night? Right on!

MLH said...

Wow Caleb... the meal had great balance of colors - yummy!!! Well done. Now if I could JUST taste it...

Gina woodhouse said...

That food looks great! Caleb is a talented guy. I like the aprons too. Your kids are beautiful/handsome too.