Sunday, April 17, 2011

Kelly and BYU-I

We drove Kelly down to Rexburg, Idaho last Friday to attend BYU-I for a semester. She is on the Winter track (Jan-July) but missed the first semester so this will be a short short "year" for her. She was so happy to be returning after 2 1/2 years and was talking a mile a minute as we drove down main street and around the campus to her apt. remembering everything from the last time she was there. Apparently alot has changed with lots of improvements.

If you look real hard or click on the picture you can see a large "R" on the face of the mountain. The last time she was at BYU-I she hiked that mountain and had her lunch at the top of the "R".

Kelly is living off campus. As a freshman you had to live in the dorms on campus so she is very excited this time to have her own room and share a large bathroom with only one other person. Here she is after a long day of driving and shopping. Although she is very tired she is VERY happy!

Have a great time at school Kelly!!!


Dallin & Kelly said...

Here's your comment!
Also, I snuck some q-tips from the closet. I'm all good.

Marilee said...

What fun she is gonna have. Happy Happy Happy!

NY said...

Hey Mary-lou - so weird I am use to calling you sister eagon! Loving your blog!

have a great time kelly!

pat L said...

Hi Marylou,
Glad Kelly is back in college. Enjoy your pictures. Hope you received my message about Caleb, not sure about that...Aunt Pat (NJ)

Dixie Dee said...

Have fun Kelly! School is fun!
Fun to keep up on the Eagan Happenings!

MLH said...

YAY! you DID IT!!! So excited for your year ahead and so proud of you Kelly!

Jo-Ann said...

It's great to see that you're headed back to university Kelly. We wish you much success!